I am the type of person who has always loved the start of the school year - shopping for school supplies, new classes, new friends, etc. It represents new beginnings.
On the other hand, I actually dread the end of the school year. It represents things coming to an end. I look forward to the kids being home for the summer. It is the idea that so much time is spent organizing year end parties and teacher gifts. I do like the end result and LOVE finding ways to capture the past year's memories, but I do not enjoy the loss of sleep.
This past week I worked on my daughter's class gift for the 2 teachers. The class had compiled pictures all year long of various events into an online album, so having plenty of pictures to work with was easy. I uploaded them to Studio J, colorized the embellishments, and added a title. Each student is represented on their own page. Then I did a few collages of the bigger school events. Thirty four pages later, we had a book. Each student drew a picture and wrote a note to face their page in the scrapbook (not shown here). Here are four of the pages...